Python Developer Zdalnie

Oferta pracy jest już nieaktualna.
  • B2B
  • zdalnie
  • 17.500 PLN per month
  • Rekrutacja została zamknięta

Szczegóły Oferty

We seek a skilled Python Developer to build and enhance artificial intelligence and machine learning backend services for an international company that delivers comprehensive solutions for managing product information and digital assets. Their offerings streamline the organization, accuracy, and consistency of product data across multiple channels, enhancing efficiency for businesses.

award icon Salary: 17.500 PLN per month
award icon 100% Remote
award icon Full-time
award icon B2B or CoE contract


checked icon At least 3+ years of development experience, with a major focus on Python and AI/ML
checked icon Experience with micro-service architecture in a cloud environment
checked icon Experience with Azure AI services and general familiarity with Azure cloud orchestration tools
checked icon Advanced knowledge of Scikit-learn, SciPy, NumPy, and Pandas
checked icon Understanding of TensorFlow and Keras
checked icon BS in Computer Science with an AI/ML focus


checked icon Develop machine learning and AI-based solutions using Python.
checked icon Create REST microservices with Python.
checked icon Engage in technology research and incorporate new technologies and tools within the machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, and advanced analytics ecosystem.
checked icon Contribute to preparing requirements documentation and design.

Please include GDPR consent

I acknowledge, that by submitting the form I give consent for my personal data included in the application to be processed by DevsData LLC for the purposes of current and future recruitment processes in accordance with Art. 6 paragraph 1 letter a of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

Szukamy wykwalifikowanego programisty Pythona do tworzenia i ulepszania usług back-endowych sztucznej inteligencji i uczenia maszynowego dla międzynarodowej firmy, która dostarcza kompleksowe rozwiązania do zarządzania informacjami o produktach i zasobami cyfrowymi. Ich oferty usprawniają organizację, dokładność i spójność danych o produktach w wielu kanałach, zwiększając wydajność firm.

Technologie i Umiejętności

Azure AI
Wyświetlenia: 84